Krav maga gear
designed for combat

Book Trial Class
Junior Trial London
FEARLESS - 'Women's Course'
Test Product
Junior Trial Berkshire
Adult Trial Berkshire
Adult Trial West London
Adult Trial Cent London
Junior Trial London
FEARLESS - 'Women's Course'
Test Product
Junior Trial Berkshire
Adult Trial Berkshire
Adult Trial West London
Adult Trial Cent London
General Information
What happens at a regular Total Krav Maga class?
As with most combat systems and martial arts, we start by lining up andbowing to the instructors, who in return will bow to you. Each class has amixture of males and females of all ages. All classes involve some functionalfitness, power exercises and warm up games. We typically then work on somestriking and specific Krav Maga techniques from our syllabus.
The class normally ends with some stress drills and summary trainingexercises. We often split the class into beginners and advance groups, so don'tworry if you're just joining us. The instructor will demonstrate and teach youthe various techniques along with the tactical behaviour that comes with KravMaga training. We work on prevention and awareness, as well as the combatelements of Krav Maga, so you'll get a good understanding of how to usetactical behaviour to avoid confrontations.
With Total Krav Maga, you're guaranteed a good work out whilst learningsome very effective self-defence. Expect to sweat a little, make some friendsand enjoy feeling more confident.
Do I need any special equipment?
Do I need any special equipment?
You will not require any special equipment for your trial class. Justbring a bottle of water, wear comfortable sports kit & clean trainers. Somevenues are matted and we train barefoot. This will be mentioned in your bookingconfirmation, if it’s relevant to your location.
You will receive a club uniform and groin protector as part of yourjoining fee when you sign up, depending on your membership. We do also advisegetting some extra items as you progress with Krav Maga, such as mouth guard,head guards, shin guards and training gloves. We have all of these items on ourclub web shop ‘Krav Wear’. Your instructor will be able to advise you aboutwhat is required and when you will need it.
How much does it cost?
How much does it cost?
Our membership fee is a fixed monthly payment, that allows you to train unlimited times and at any of our locations each month.
Adult Member (regular) - 1st payment £130.00. Subsequent monthly fee£80.00
Adult Family (2 members) - 1st payment £200.00. Subsequent monthly fee£120.00
For more details of other options visit or membership page.
Your 1st payment covers, a prorated month of membership, club uniformand groin protector for adults, T-shirt and groin guard for teenage members orclub T-shirt (only), for juniors.
All monthly membership payments are by recurring card payment. Wedo not offer a ‘pay as you go' or cash payment schemes.
We also offer a BLUE LIGHT CARD discount. Saving you £10a month on our membership fees. Just present your valid Blue Light card to usat your trial class and we'll take a quick picture, so we can verify it.
How do I book a trial class?
How do I book a trial class?
To book your trial class, use the ‘TRIAL CLASS’ link on main menu to select your location/date, then follow the booking procedure, as prompted.
On receipt of your booking, we will send you a booking confirmation by email. Please ensure that you read this carefully and complete the online health declaration using the highlighted links in the email.
When booking please use a current email address that you monitor. You may need to check your spam/junk folder, for your booking confirmation.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not refund trial class bookings. If you are unable to make the initial class you have booked, please contact us at least 2 hours before the class start time and we will offer you a credit to use within 30 days of your booking. You can then register for another date or location that suits you. After 30 days the credit will expire and you will need to book in full again if you wish to attend a trial class.
Adult membership info
Adult membership info
To be eligible for our Total Krav Maga adult membership you must currently be 18 years of age or older. Young adults aged between 17 and 18 may join with written parental consent. Parents must complete any contracts, payments and attend the first class to meet the instructor.
Junior membership info
Family membership info
Family membership info
To be eligible for our Total KM 'Family Membership' you must be an immediate ' family' relation with the other member you are joining with (husband & wife, son & daughter, brother & sister etc).
In-laws and distant relatives are not included. Monthly payments cannot be split. They must come from a single bank account.
There will be a single joining fee if you are joining at the same time. Couples in a long-term relationship may also be eligible for a family membership, providing they have proof that they live at the same address and the membership payments come from a single card.
Image Coming Soon
Krav Maga Qualifications
Ealing, Eton & Windsor
Image Coming Soon
Krav Maga Qualifications
Ealing, Paddington, Windsor & Eton plus (All Teens & Junior Classes)
Image Coming Soon
Krav Maga Qualifications
Ealing, Hammersmith, Eton & Windsor
Image Coming Soon
Krav Maga Qualifications
Eton & Windsor